Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why Rite Aid Sucks...

Okay, maybe not all Rite Aid sucks, just the one close to where I live.

You may probably concluded at this point that I don't work for Rite Aid. So why does the nearest pharmacy, which happens to be Rite Aid, sucks? Read on, I'll tell you why.

Today I went to the dentist for a root canal. Long story short, I was given two prescriptions. Rite Aid was down the street, not far from the dental office, so I went there. It is a 24-hour store and so I expected the service to be comparable to where I work. I hand the tech my scripts , gave my information and such. She then told me that the wait time is about 2 hours. I look around for quick moment. I'm the only customer at drop-off. I stare at pick-up and notice 3 people standing in line. There was no one sitting at the wait area.

First of all, at my store, we would have had it ready in 5 minutes, 10 tops given the same scenario. Even with multiples customer standing in line at drop-off, we can still do it in 15 min. Yeah, I know we're JUST THAT AWESOME!

So I figure I'll come back and stop by KFC across the street in 2 hours. I came back again with my buddy. I gave the tech my name and such. The tech proceeds to check their idiotic and funny looking filing system . He/she can't find it. Tech ask me to hold on. So I stood there with disgust while he/she checks the computer. GUESS WHAT! My prescription was still in the to-be-check-by-pharmacist basket. What the fuck. After 2 hours, it's still not ready. I would at least expected it to be completed 30 or so minutes after I left. There weren't anyone there waiting! She/he then ask me to wait a COUPLE minutes.

Now, at this point if it were the store I would work at. I would have banged this out and hurried the pharmacist to check it in 2-3 minutes since it was our fault.

NOPE! It took ~30 freaking minutes to verify and check 2 scripts. Worst of all, they (all the other techs including the pharmacist)weren't even hustling or bustling. Seriously, accuracy is crucial and all but I dropped it 2 hours ago. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It should be fucking READY TO GO. I don't know what kind of system Rite Aid have, but its fucking shitty as hell. Maybe it's just THAT store. I expect a 24-hour store to be much better than that. From what I can see, they have 3 techs and 1 pharmacist working at that time. They aren't understaffed.

On another note, the person at drop-off was SLOW AS HELL. I mean to go look for a person script and scan a couple of bar codes. This shouldn't take more than 2-3 minutes. I have to say that my average customer, (when I'm working pick-up) will be in and out in under 2 minutes providing there weren't any insurance problem.

I learned my lesson today. I'll never drop anything off there again. But if you must know why I didn't go to my store. It is because it's about half an hour away.

In conclusion: RITE AID SUCKS! (at least the one near me.)

P.S. I may be getting a job in a hospital soon! But sshhhhh, don't tell my Big-Chain-Pharmacy!


Anonymous said...

hahahahahah! That really sucks! I agree with you I would have had those two rxs banged out in about 15 minutes. I had a woman in my pharamcy the other day and she dropped off 2 rxs and I told her about 15 to 20 minutes (we had about 4 waiters, etc) and she got all huffy about it, asked for her prescriptions back....she showed up a half hour later and said she drove all the way across town to Rite Aid and they told her it was an HOUR wait! I laughed at her and told her that we are now busier it will be a half hour (even though it wasn't) she agreed and let me fill it!

Anonymous said...

Yeah dude, 15 minutes max like you said...providing there arent any insurance problems. Wrong Aid blows....

They hate paying their employees...ive been retroacted for a raise for a month now and still havent gotten it....I really hate this place.

Rite Aid in Irmo, SC number 11590

Anonymous said...

In case you don't follow the stock market, Rite Aid is on the verge of going out of business. They are having trouble hiring good pharmacists because they can not promise a long term career like Wal-mart or Kroger's.

Cnuwin said...

Funny, that you mention that (last comment) I do follow the stock. I frequently look at CVS, WAG, and RAD to see how they are performing. Right now I have a huge interest in stem cell related company. I believe it is to be the next especially with an Obama's administration.

Ross said...

Well I agree totally on what you are saying on the wait time being so long. I worked at rite-aid recently but have quit due to the non-productive employees making my job harder as a tech. I would come back after a half hour, cleaned out everything in the queue, white and red baskets done etc. Three people drop off before I went to lunch, so one of the other techs took over for 30 minutes( This tech has been working there for 5 years and I only been there 1 just so you know.) and I come back after 20 and did not take my whole lunch break and seen only 1 basket has been done and there was about 10 baskets piled up. This is a constant thing and my friend and I are never able to take lunches because of the people we work and floater pharmacist we have to babysit at times. They refused to fire or even find another store for this tech which would be appropriate for their skill level and they lost 3 good techs over their incompetence. The same tech also would throw their baskets under ours when we were going to fetch medications off the shelf. Many of the good floating pharmacist complained about the conditions to the PDM to rid the pharmacy of these non-productive techs but they did nothing and many times the floaters refused to come back and only felt sorry for the good techs who had to be yelled at over the uncompleted work of another tech and work harder for nothing.

Anonymous said...

It was store #1756 Syracuse, NY. We can't even get a SP because of the crappy techs and I left because i was sick of babysitting.

Anonymous said...

These store have staffing problems. I am a (and work with some) really good tech(s). We can get your rx out to you in just a few minutes, but it takes the pharmacist an hour to check it. I don't know why. In my store all the pharmacist has to do is check! And SOMEHOW they take forever doing it! And sometimes, there are still things wrong with it AFTER it has been checked! Ugh!
I am not saying it is only the pharmacists fault. Some of the "techs" just don't care about anything anymore which makes everyone else work harder.

Anonymous said...

I made an earlier post about the 11590 store. I'm finally out! lol

The only good thing about that place is due to the lack of good help there I had to learn everything which makes me very valuable in this market. Tell me how I was making 7.90 as a super tech and then get hired on at a Long Term Health center (Long's pharm) making 11.50. I told RA they could keep me for 12 and hour and they laughed! Who's laughing now???? My old store is having to staff 2 pharmacists open to close because all of the techs left including me. BTW, I did work a FULL 2 weeks yet the PIC was dumb enough not to even look for my replacement.


Cnuwin said...

I was told by many that Rite Aide pay a bit more than other chains JUST to keep their tech, but I guess not. RA is going down, down. However, I don't think govt regulators will let it be gobbled up. Wags is #1 now, CVS to make a move soon? I hope so, I need a job with CVS when I'm done in 2013!

Anonymous said...

Definitely not, just like other retail chains they blow. We had the perfect team, all time spots covered, great customer service and our patients loved us. I knew roughly eighty five percent of our patients on a first name basis...would even talk to some about more personal things. We did okay business..around 180 per day. For some reason corporate felt like they needed to fuck with everything. In the end, we lost valuable patients..our head tech left, I left, intern left. RA sucks.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree they do suck. They really are bad.

Serena said...

At least they had your prescription. I stopped at a RA after a root canal and they had neither of the meds I needed. That wasn't the first time. I'm just going straight to CVS next time to save myself the hassle.

Anonymous said...

As a former employee, Rite Aid is a horrible place to work. Everyone hates them and stays pissed whether it is the outfront or pharmacy for having too much shit to do with no help. Management has shit for brains and is always trying to come up with gimmicks to get people into the store. What a joke it is. Then the pharmacy has to put up with all the transfer coupons just to make the numbers look good in the pharmacy. A real laugher! They actually have to give someone 25 bucks on a 4 dollar rx to get someone to come in the damn place. Now that makes good business sense doesn't it? New slogan "Rite Aid the epitome of stupidity"

amir said...

I am a former pharmacist- Rite Aid or as i put it Rape Aid is a disgusting piece of shit that doesnt give a fuck about the employees. I hope they fail-lets all join in prayer that they go bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

I am yet another former Rite-Aid employee. And I will confirm that this company doesn't give a shit about their techs. I was kept as a training technician for 2 months (working 7 days a week 8 hour days) even after my month externship when we are only allowed at max to be on externship for 80 hours. I was training (off of payroll) with three other techs in the same status and 2 more (on payroll). To no surprise we became the highest rated Rite Aid in the district with regards to customer service (efficency). It wasn't until I talked to Human Resources that they considered paying me for all my hours after externship (to avoid slavery lawsuit).
I will agree with Chau Nguyen regarding the stupid inefficient filling and computer system at rite aid. 2 hours and no meds is unacceptable pharmacy performance but it also seems like something is left out of that story. As a pharmacy staffmember, I feel the urge to defend their wait time. I want to point out that just because there are 3 people in pick up and you're the only one in drop-off doesn't mean the pharmacy isn't backed up to hell with previous orders. I hear that misconception spurt out the mouth of ungrateful patients everyday (well it doesn't look like you're busy whats the wait for?..blah blah blah How long does it take to put pills in bottle and slap a label on it? blah blah blah). And though I sympathize with your post Chau, I want to Choke you at the same time. But its ok Im harmless. Thats just the kind of dynamic love I share with pharmacy staffmembers :p. hope its not too crazy (I meant choke in a good way).

My store does 15 minute prescriptions as well. That 5 minute thing from drop off to sale is nice when it happens, but I try not to advertise that too much, it will spoil and confuse the selfish and ungrateful muggles on the other side of the counter.

But yes Rite Aid Blows.
Good luck @ hospital app.

Cnuwin said...

I'll be going to Rite Aide tomorrow to fill a script. Guess I'll never learn. They have since downgraded from being 24-h to normal hours. Maybe I'll wait around this time and see how long it takes.

Susan said...

I just got back from the Rite Aid in Califon, NJ 07830 and I think I will have to make it my last time.

Yesterday I delivered a perscription and they said they would have it filled in one hour. Things came up and I only came back to Rite Aid drive in window today. They LOST my script! This is the 3rd time they have lost my script. I was taking photocopies of everything before I gave it to them, but I forgot this time.

In addition to this my doctor had called perscriptions in yesterday and the wonderful Rite Aid folks said she didn't.

So I sat at the drive through for 30 minutes while they searched and I eventually had my doctor call while I was there.

They live to torture me, and you know, NO ONE even apologized!

Cnuwin said...

A 24h CVS pharmacy just opened right across from that Rite Aide. I went there today and saw many cars in the lot. The pharmacy isn't so busy since its their first week. I suspect many RA customers will switch. How funny will it be when the RPH calls and say something like "Hey its CVS next door, this customers wants to transfers all their meds over"..awkward. I don't know why took CVS so long to get into this area. Its so close to where I live, that I've thought about asking to switch..probably not though.

Anonymous said...


It sucks because of the dictatorship imposed inside that corporation.....they are a bunch of ungrateful dogs, I worked there for 5 years and all I experience was humiliation, hatred, harassment, bullying, corruption, etc.
During my working period there, I had 3 Bosses who where a bunch of BASTARDS while playing the role of managers, these are the following:

Mr. Hany Farah (current loss prevention manager at New Jersey's rite aid stores and former store manager at store #1542).

Mr. Mark Polanco from Carlstad-New Jersey (former supervisor at store #3337)

Mr. Paul Petrowlka (HR Manager of New Jersey stores)

Mr. Jorge L. Guevara-Garcia (current supervisor at store #3337 in Hoboken-New Jersey, used to have an affair with one of his coworkers back at store #1542 a couple of years ago in order to be promoted as an assistant manager).

Mr. Brent Perdue
(HR Manager at New Jersey's stores)

These 5 men besides being a bunch of BASTARD, they are also FUCKERS, Fuckers in the sense that they don't thank their employees, making life miserable for them, etc.

This is why RITE-AID sucks!
Plagues like these people are the cancer of our society inside the workplace world.

One more thing, 3 words I have for Rite Aid:


Thanks to these guys I lost my job!!! They played dirty on me making belief they were going to help me with my case of harassment I suffered from two supervisors, ELIZABETH IRRIZARY AND MARK POLANCO AT STORE #3337.

the kommisar said...

FCK Walmart.. I would drop a turd off at that anti American, slave wage paying Chinese outlet store..they suck shit....Kroger's ok

Unknown said...

I have 61 shares of stock at rite aid. Going to sell quickly. Because they wanted $173.00 for prescription. Got at CVS FOR $60.00THEY WAY TAKERS COUPLE CARD.THEY SUCKS.DEVIL DONE COCKS

Unknown said...

They will not take coupons fro their website! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷×××+÷%_€£¥?*,\/#;&&£

Unknown said...

Sounds great for u to sue.Lol

Anonymous said...

I 'm going to coupon the hell out the place

Anonymous said...

Rite Aid doesn't care about privacy! Be prepared to announce out loud what your prescription is for if they can't find it. They would rather have you announce your medical condition to the whole store than look you up on the computer!

Anonymous said...

Rite Aid still sux. The Pharmacist's are RUDE,ARROGANT,UNCARING and not the least bit concerned whether you live or die from their shallow ass mistakes. Fuck Off Rite Aid.